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Kayleen Gloor Dvm

Kayleen Gloor, DVM, MSPH

Founding Veterinarian - Clarendon, CAC North & Columbia Pike, CAC South / CAC Leadership Team

Dr. Gloor is a true local. She grew up in Springfield, VA and worked as a kennel help/veterinary assistant at her neighborhood veterinary clinic while in high school.

She graduated high school a bit young, so stayed close to home and attended NVCC while working in customer service for her father’s furniture company. It was there she learned about the value of good client communication and service as well as got some great insight into small business ownership.

She transferred to Virginia Tech for her undergraduate studies and stayed there for veterinary school. Upon obtaining her DVM in 2006 she came back to the DC area for a surgical/medical rotating internship at a large emergency/referral hospital in Gaithersburg, MD. It was there she met and befriended Dr. Ungerer.

She has practiced in both general practice and emergency hospital settings in the DC area since 2006. Additionally, in 2009 she went back to school for a Masters in Public Health Microbiology & Emerging Infectious Diseases (nerd) at GWU. She completed this degree in 2011 – something she did while continuing to practice as well as working in a research lab at GWU.

Her professional interests include infectious diseases, pain management, soft tissue surgery, emergency medicine and internal medicine.

Dr. Gloor is married and has two daughters, two cats, and a big, goofy English Mastiff named Gozer (the Gozerian – aptly named after the god of destruction from Ghostbusters). In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, yoga, snowboarding and spending time with her family.


  • DVM from Virginia Tech

  • MS in Public Health Microbiology & Emerging Infectious Diseases at GWU